FAQ & Terms

Booking and payment

  • Check-in from 12:00 and check-out no later than 11:00.
  • The price for the stay varies depending on the shelter size, location, day of the week/holiday and how many of you are. Find your price in the booking system.
  • Haldbjerg breakfast, meal box and wilderness bath are booked directly in the booking system.
  • Firewood is not included in the price, but can be purchased when booking and/or during your stay.
  • For day events, a bonfire but or the laavu is booked in the booking system.
  • Day events in a campfire hut after 5 pm must book the associated shelter.
  • When you book a shelter/tent site, you have it to yourself and you can use the bonfire huts if they are not occupied.
  • For groups of 10+ people, the bonfire hut must be booked for private use.
  • For groups of 10+ people who bring their own drinks, we reserve the right to charge a fee.
  • Meal boxes must be booked for a minimum of two people, and starters/desserts can only be ordered in conjunction with a main course.
  • Settlement is made upon booking, and any additions is settled during the stay via MobilePay or payment card.
  • Final number of participants and booking of activities no later than 14 days before the event.
  • Booking of catering and information about vegetarians/allergies/preferences no later than 14 days before the event.
  • We offer a 24-hour right of cancellation from booking and after that the booking can be freely re-booked for the season until 14 days before the event, after which the booking cannot be changed.
  • All prices includes VAT, unless otherwise specified.
  • For larger groups, businesses and institutions, contact us for offers that are sent separately and must be accepted in writing/online.


  • Dogs are welcome at Haldbjerg, but they must be kept on a leash during their entire stay, and you must of course clean up after them.
  • It is not permitted to stay on the roof of shelters, bonfire huts and service vehicles. Instead, you can climb the trees and swing on the swing at the climbing area.
  • Leave shelters and table-bench sets in the same condition as you receive them. Any repair/cleaning fees will be charged for damage to buildings and furnishings.
  • Loud music and noise are not allowed at Haldbjerg.
  • We expect peace and quiet after 10 p.m.
  • Please help take care of nature, do not touch the exposed cliff with cemented sand – it is a very rare sight in Denmark.
  • When you have to step off in the name of nature, please use our toilets.
  • The climbing area may only be used with a certified instructor – the swing is exempt.
  • Throw waste in the waste bins provided. We will be happy if you sort according to the signs on the bins.
  • Light a fire in your fire pit and follow our instructions in case of bad fire weather – in case of drought and special wind conditions.
  • The fire must not ooze – out of consideration for our neighbors, and yourself.
  • Extinguish the fire if you are not using it.
  • It is not allowed to bring your own firewood.
  • Fishing is allowed at the northern end of Solbjerg Engsø (approx. 800m), not elsewhere around Haldbjerg.
  • All stays in the area are at your own risk, however we have insurance in case of an accident.

Parking and access

  • Parking is available at Kagerupvej 21, 3200 Helsinge. Additional parking at the forest parking lot at Tibberuphus, Kagerupvej 12, 3400 Hillerød.
  • Driving on Haldbjergvej and on the Haldbjerg area is not allowed.
  • Parking along Kagerupvej is not allowed.
  • Motorcycle riders can book shelter “skrænten”, shelter “kløften”, tent site “Dalen” or hammock site “Plateauet” – here motorcycles can be driven in.


  • At each shelter there is a table and bench set, a fire pit and a tripod with a grill, pots and pans. More equipment is available in the material sheds on the site.
  • Toilets are located in the service van. Only throw toilet paper in the toilet.
  • There are dish facilities in the service van.
  • There is a small refrigerator in the service van, please leave it as you receive it.
  • The cold shower is located at the back of the service van behind the toilets.

Contact us

Please write us a note in the formular to the left if you want us to put together an offer for a stay with us, or if you have any questions.

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